Message to All Pupils in S1-S3
There’s only one place to start. This isn’t what we wanted for you, how we wanted to work with you or how we wanted to help you develop into the young adults and leaders you will become. One of the many problems with a pandemic is that it really doesn’t care what we want. So we make the best of it and find our way out of it as quickly as we can by doing the right things and lots of them. The last Scottish Government update gave no clear message about a likely return date to school for you all but I remain hopeful that this will become clearer at the next announcement on 2ndMarch.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey. I’m pleased by the high level of satisfaction from S1-3 with
- the current structure,
- with the amount of work given and
- the appropriate difficulty of the work.
Please be assured that every negative registered and every comment is carefully considered to see what can be done to make things even better for you as an individual or us as a school community. In the meantime, I keep coming back to my main message- talk to us, let us know about your struggles and your successes and let us help you.
Take care,
Dr J Vance