OECD Pisa-based Tests 2021

Culloden Academy will be participating in the OECD Pisa-based Test for School. This is the first time this test has been offered to Highland schools and we are looking forward to gaining valuable insights into how our school is performing on the global stage.

A sample of students aged 15 or 16 has been randomly selected in accordance with OECD technical guidelines and they will shortly receive a copy of the letter below which explains the process in more detail.

SNSA Assessments

The Scottish Government introduced standardised assessments for children and young people in P1, P4, P7 and S3. Pupils in S3 at Culloden Academy will sit their assessments over two days, as below. Please see the letter issued to the Parents and Carers of all S3 pupils this morning. More information about these assessments can also be found on the SNSA website.

  • Friday 12th November: Practice Assessment
  • Monday 15th November: Reading and Writing Assessments
  • Thursday 18th November: Numeracy Assessment

S1 Parents’ Information Evening

We are holding an online meeting for the parents and carers of all our S1 pupils. The meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 6:30pm. Invitation forms are being emailed this afternoon. Parents and Carers should complete this in order to receive the link to the online meeting. We look forward to meeting you online next week.

The 1:1 Parents’ Evening will take place on 8th December. More information about arrangements for this will be available shortly.

Dates of Information Evenings for other Year Groups and 1:1 consultations are on our Calendar:

Parent / Carer Letter

Dr Vance has written to all Parents / Carers and pupils at the end of term and it can be viewed at the link below. His letter contains information about:

  • Parents’ Evenings next term
  • Building Works
  • Uniform / Dress Code
  • Parent Council
  • Staffing Update
  • Covid Restrictions

Partial Closure

Due to a staff shortage Culloden Academy will be closed to pupils in S4, S5 and S6 on Friday 1st October. The school will remain open to all pupils in S1, S2 and S3 who should attend classes as normal. Students in S4, S5, and S6 should be able to continue with work online and teachers will provide additional work if possible.

Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland are delivering a national webinar to introduce their work to parents and carers of S1 pupils. The event will take place on Wednesday 29th September at 6:30pm. This session aims to give parents and carers an introduction to SDS, the role of Careers Advisers in school as well as information to support career planning. The online session will also introduce SDS’s career service work, My World of Work, which has a dedicated area for parents and carers.

Parents and carers can register for the session at the link below:

Coronavirus Update

Highland Council have released the following statement that everyone in our community should be aware of:

Children who are sick should not attend school and where a child has symptoms that could be from COVID they should stay at home and have a PCR test booked. Once well and with a negative PCR test, they can return to school.
If a case of COVID arises in a member of staff or student at a school, letters will be issued to those who have been in contact with the case which will explain what action needs to be taken. There will be no need for school contacts to self-isolate unless they are contacted by Test and Protect. In the event of further cases in the school, additional action will be taken and in the event of a significant outbreak advice will be sought from the Health Protection Team and actions undertaken depending on the specific circumstances.

Further information is contained in the letter to all parents from Donna Manson, Chief Executive of Highland Council and on the NHS Inform website: