Pupil and Parent/Carer Survey

We would like to gather the views of our pupils and parent/carers about their experience of this current lockdown. Each should only take a few minutes to complete and can be accessed at the links below.

The Surveys will remain open until Thursday 11 February.

New Positive Relationships Policy

Our new Positive Relationships Policy (copy below) was introduced at the end of November 2020. This new system replaces our previous behaviour policy which was based around a class transfer system. The new system aims to ensure that both pupils and teachers have their voices heard and communication with parents about this is an important feature.

Respect for everyone in the school community is central to our Promoting Positive Relationships Policy. We aim to ensure that everyone will:

  • Treat everyone respectfully
  • Work to the best of our ability
  • Represent the school appropriately at all times

Stage 1: A restorative conversation takes place between the teacher and the pupil about their behaviour. Pupils will be encouraged to make a good choice and to reflect on how their behaviour is impacting on others.

Stage 2: If there is no improvement in behaviour the pupil is issued with a Reflection Card and given five minutes to think and reflect about their behaviour. There is a second chance for a reflective conversation with the teacher. At this point the behaviour will be recorded as a Demerit and you will receive a text message to inform you that your child has been asked to reflect upon their behaviour.

Stage 3: If the poor behaviour continues then the pupil will be removed from class and sent to the Principal Teacher. The Principal Teacher may refer the matter to a member of the Senior Leadership Team on duty (Social Area) if required. A Behaviour Referral will be recorded and an email or text sent home. Reflection Time at interval or lunchtime may be issued by SLT.

Stage 4: If Principal Teacher involvement is repeatedly required then the matter will be referred to the SLT Year Head. Parents will continue to be informed by text, email or, for more serious incidents, by phone.

If you have any questions please contact your Child’s Guidance Teacher or Year Head.