School Closed: Friday 19 January
Culloden Academy is closed to all pupils and staff today. Road conditions are very difficult this morning and neither D&E or Stagecoach are able to run any services.
Culloden Academy is closed to all pupils and staff today. Road conditions are very difficult this morning and neither D&E or Stagecoach are able to run any services.
Today’s prelim will go ahead- possibly with a slight delay until we are confident that those who are coming have arrived. Pupils who cannot make it into school will be given another date on which they can sit their Prelim- their teacher will advise them next week.
S2 Parents Evening has been rescheduled for Wednesday 24th January. If you have appointments these will automatically be carried forward to next Wednesday, but if you need to make or cancel appointments, the system has opened again and will remain open until Monday evening.
S2 into S3 Course Choice deadline will be postponed by one week and will now be Friday 26th January.
The Nairnside D&E Service has been cancelled and will not run this morning due to difficult road conditions.
Stagecoach warn that conditions around Croy/Tornagrain/Clephanton are difficult. These buses will run subject to delay. Pupils are reminded that they should not wait more than 20 minutes for a bus…if it hasn’t turned up within that time they should return home.
We had a few pupils and parents venture in to school this morning and we are keen to minimise unnecessary journeys in these conditions. Can we therefore remind all parents that the first system we update is the winter weather school phone line which can be contacted at:
Generally that will be updated by 7.20am. Immediately afterwards we update Facebook and the school website’s News section. The Council’s school closure website does not begin taking information from schools until 8 am and so the absence of information about the school on it, should not be taken as confirmation that we are open.
Temperatures and snowfall mean that tomorrow’s opening is not certain but we will, through the channels above, get information to you as early as possible.
Dr Vance
Culloden Academy is closed to all pupils and staff today. Today’s prelims and the S2 Parents’ Evening will be rescheduled.
A letter was emailed to all parents and carers this morning. It covers:
Today saw the races of our amazing sledge designs done by the S3 Design and Manufacture classes in Tech. The epic ski run built by the technicians, tested the sledges performance and we found our winners! Well done to both classes who competed so well! A great day for Creative Design!
The winners of this season’s Maths Brain-Teaser Challenges:
Participants entered five rounds of Brain-Teasers, gaining points for each correct answer. Well done to all who entered!
On the 2nd of November we attended the IRA to compete in the Rotary Club competition to represent Culloden Academy. There were 10 rounds, each with 6 questions. There were many topics like Science, History and Music. One round that we did particularly well in was ‘The Environment’ in which we got full marks. A highlight for some of us was the chocolate orange buttons which pushed us on till the end. We competed against the Inverness Royal Academy and Charleston and managed to come out on top.
On Thursday, we had nearly 90 pupils from S3 attend the Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre for a history trip. Our S3 history classes have been studying the Battle of Culloden, so this trip was designed to support their learning. They were involved in four workshops which included; a tour around the museum where they had to perform some dangerous medical treatments, a source activity where they had to identify some items that have been found on the battlefield, a tour of the grounds of the battlefield where they had to march in line, and an acting workshop where they were allowed to dress up as Government/Jacobite soldiers or civilians that were involved.
We would like to thank all our pupils for being fantastic representatives of Culloden Academy, and the Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre for delivering such engaging and interesting sessions for our pupils.