
S2 Science Stars

These are last term’s S2 science stars. Pupils were nominated by their science teachers for their hard work, focus, willingness to help and work with others, achievement in assessments and improvement in understanding. Look out for a new set of science stars this summer.

Young Carer Self Referral Form

A young carer is someone aged 25 and under who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Every young carer is unique, and we want to support you in every way we can to help you have a good school and home life balance. 

If you identify as a young carer or think you may be a young carer, please complete the form below in as much detail as you can. It will be shared with your Guidance teacher and Mr McKnight only. If you need any help with this or are unsure about anything, please see Mr McKnight in Guidance.

Highland Youth Convener

Highland Council is looking to appoint the Highlands’ next Youth Convener. Please see the advert and specification below. The salary is £22,133pa, and the closing date is 9th May 2024

Reading School

We are delighted to announce that we are a Scottish Book Trust Reading School; joining only two other secondary schools in Highland to have gained certification so far! Last year, we began our journey to build a reading culture throughout the school. Pupils have taken part in a variety of book related activities in and out of lessons – the most memorable are definitely the whole school drop everything and read events – for us to be awarded our core level national accreditation. We are looking forward to developing more opportunities for pupils and staff to read for pleasure in the coming years and sustaining the culture of reading at Culloden Academy – well done pupils and staff!

Parental Letter

The letter below has been emailed to all Parents & Carers this morning. It covers:

  • Staffing Changes
  • Start and End of Day Arrangements: Car Park
  • Social Media Use
  • Key Dates

Crochet Club

Our weekly Crochet Club consists of many members who were complete beginners when they joined and are now crocheting independently.

They have been busy learning the basics, crocheting small projects and progressing on to a group effort making some beautiful bunting in each of the house colours all edged in purple, Culloden Academy’s school colour.

If you’re visiting the school, keep an eye out for it hanging in pride of place around the social area.

Young STEM Leader Award

This year, a number of senior pupils have been working towards achieving their Level 4 Young STEM Leader award. The course encourages students to look at the impact of STEM locally, nationally and internationally, past, present and future, alongside leading STEM activities which they present to younger students in the school to get involved in. The Young STEM Leaders have done a fantastic job in encouraging and enthusing our young people in the world of STEM by running STEM club every Wednesday lunchtime. They planned and facilitated activities that have investigated concepts such as friction, projectile trajectory, Fibonacci sequencing in nature and DNA extraction.

Developing The Young Workforce

This morning was our final instalment of My Future Friday before the Easter Holidays, and we had Morrison Construction in discussing the professional roles, pathways, and opportunities for work experience within the construction industry. Huge thank you to Ross, Gordon and Mai for coming along and sharing their professional journeys, and lots of advice on where to get started!