Last week two Culloden Academy pupils travelled through to the University of Aberdeen to receive their certificates for the Scottish Mathematical Council Maths Challenge. The day started with a presentation on Polyhedra where pupils got a chance to handle some ancient carved stone balls and consider the possible links with polyhedra. After this guests were treated to lunch, followed by the awards ceremony. A big congratulations to Amy Lainton S6 and Micah Macdonald S2 for their success.
Applications are open for Free School Meals and School Clothing Grants for August 2024. If you previously received Free School Meals or a Clothing Grant, you must apply now.
The School Clothing Grant is £160 for Primary School children and £172 for Secondary School children.
Your household must receive at least one of the following:
Income Support
Universal Credit (where the monthly earned income does not exceed £796).
Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit, but not in receipt of Working Tax Credit, and your income is less than £19,995 (as assessed by the HMRC)
Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit and an income below £9,552 (as assessed by the HMRC)
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Pension Credit Guaranteed Credit
You can also apply if:
You are 16 to 18 years old and receive any of these benefits in your own right.
You have no recourse to public funds, normally due to immigration status.
You are a family waiting for your first monthly Universal Credit award notice.
Clothing Grants are paid throughout July and August, before the new school year begins. However, if your child is over 16 years of age on 30 September, you will not receive payment until the school confirm that your child has returned to school after the summer holiday.
Some photos from the Duke of Edinburgh expedition that took place this weekend, involving walking across Scotland from Ullapool to Croick, near Ardgay.
This morning, we had SSEN Distribution in for our weekly My Future Friday session. They discussed the broader SSE umbrella and two of the other business units (transmission and renewables). Super exciting time within the energy sector, which is thriving in the Highlands & Islands! Lots of opportunities for our students when they move from education into employment. Huge thank you to Gary and Declan who took the time to come along and present to over 80 students!
Congratulations to all of our S4 pupils who participated in the YPI Final on Thursday.
The whole year group have been researching and linking with local charities as part of their PSE and English lessons throughout the year.
After a very close final with teams representing Shelter, The Calman Trust, RASASH, Mikeysline, The Archie Foundation and Rokzkool, the £3,000 cheque was awarded to the team representing Rokzkool. Well done to Fathima, Sophie, Daisy and Chloe who gave a fantastic presentation and showed their level of commitment by volunteering for the charity.
Yesterday our S4 Lab Sciences class enjoyed a visit to the Scottish Water laboratory in Inverness. Gaining experience in a live laboratory is invaluable, bringing the subject to life seeing how chemistry and microbiology are used in a working environment. Thank you so much to Angela, lab team manager for taking the time to show both groups of students around and a few of the testing techniques used to keep our water crystal clear and safe
This morning saw the return of My Future Fridays where we were joined by Global Infrastructure. They discussed entry level positions at the company, including apprenticeships and trainee roles, and the opportunities to develop and change pathways. Super exciting time in the Highlands, with the construction industry booming creating lots of opportunities for our students. The session ended with small talk with students keen to find out more.
Huge thank you to Tom and Colin for taking the time to come along to Culloden this morning!