
Rector’s Drop-In Cancelled

Unfortunately tonight’s Rector’s Drop-in has had to be cancelled. As mentioned in the last letter if your concern is of a serious nature- please do not wait but instead follow the school’s processes and contact your child’s Guidance teacher or Year Head.

The next Drop in is planned for 4 weeks’ time- Wednesday 28th September.

SQA Appeals 2022

We are really proud of the effort that all of our young people put in over the last year, and we hope that all of our pupils are happy with the results they have received from the SQA this morning. 

Over the summer every pupil should have received information from the SQA about the free appeals service being run this session. If you would like to lodge an appeal for any of your subjects, please use the link below to fill in the google form.

Book Fair

A great big thank you to everyone who bought or donated – we raised £185.24.  All money will go to the Ukraine Appeal.

P7 Book Sale

Calling all New S1s . . .

Are you looking for something new to read but want to be kind to the environment and support a good cause? Culloden Academy pupils have kindly donated their books for you. There will be a book fair running at lunch time in the library on your transition days next week. All funds raised will go to the Ukraine Appeal. So, bring along some pennies and donate what you can. There will homemade cakes and crafts available too!

Last Day of Term

Having taken advice from the Council, we will be closing at 12.25pm on Thursday 30th June for those pupils who walk home or who can make alternative arrangements. Staff will remain in school for those pupils obliged to wait until 3.40pm to get their buses home and we will arrange some activities for the afternoon. It would be very helpful in terms of the canteen, and essential so that we can monitor and manage attendance in the afternoon, if you would indicate to the school either by phone or email if your child is likely to be remaining in school until 3.40pm that day.

Please let us know by Friday 17th June if your child will be remaining in school on the afternon of Thursday 30th June.

Chromebook Refresh

Highland Council are beginning a refresh of the existing Chromebooks on loan to pupils. Starting next week, pupils in our new S2 and new S3 will receive new Chromebooks in exchange for their old one. The letters below, which have been emailed to parents and distributed to pupils outline arrangements for this. It is vital that pupils in S2 and S3 return both their existing chromebook and their charger at the same time as they receive their new Chromebook.

Dress Code

At a recent Parent Council meeting, the school was asked to confirm the situation with regard to dress code. Dr Vance has written to all parents outlining the schools’ expectations for dress code amongst pupils. Please see his letter below, and the link to the Information section for our Dress Code policy.

SQA Exam Timetable

SQA Exams begin on Tuesday 26 April, with the final exam taking place on Wednesday 1st June. The link below contains the adjusted times and room allocations for all exams at Culloden Academy and has been issued to all pupils.