
Measles Check Up

All children can get a free vaccine against measles, an infectious viral illness that can lead to severe complications such as pneumonia and meningitis. Please see the letter below from NHS Scotland about what to do if your child has missed the measles vaccine.

End of Session Letter

School closed for the summer today, and Dr Vance issued this end of session letter to all parents and carers. It covers:

  • SQA Results Process
  • Key Dates for next term
  • Staffing Changes
  • Uniform
  • Sports Day
  • Mobile Phones

Maths Brain-Teaser Challenges

The winners of this season’s Maths Brain-Teaser Challenges:

  • Bronze: Ailish Boyd S4
  • Silver: Amy Lainton S5
  • Gold: Freddie Hoare S3

Participants entered seven rounds of Brain-Teasers, gaining points for each correct answer. Well done to all who entered!

Happy Pride Day

Happy Pride Day: 28th June. The Pride Flag is on display in the social area today.

Pride Month was started to allow members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies to embrace their true identity and to celebrate their contributions to society. Pride Month is a month-long celebration that recognises LGBTQ+ people as a diverse and inclusive community; accepting of all. It is a time to acknowledge the challenges faced by this community and to stand in solidarity to break down barriers for equality, acceptance, and human rights. 

Today is the anniversary of The Stonewall Riots. These took place in New York City on June 28th 1969 outside the Stonewall pub after police raided this venue to prevent LGBTQ+ people expressing their identity and being themselves. Every year since then, whole communities in many countries have marked the event with Pride Day/Pride Month when individuals and communities: campaign against discrimination, challenge prejudice, celebrate inclusivity and campaign for equal rights for LGBTQ+ people all around the world.

Lifescan Visit

A big thank you to Lifescan for their visit to raise awareness of career and further education opportunities within the an industry situated right on our doorstep. Students from Higher and Advance Higher Maths classes were invited along to find out more about how their skills in maths could set them up for an amazing career in medical research and/or healthcare and the impact they could have on the future of diabetes management.

Duncan Forbes Reading Project

This term, the Library and English Department have been taking a small group of now S4 pupils out to Duncan Forbes Primary to read with P3 pupils as part of a reading initiative. It has been wonderful to see the relationships develop between the two year groups through reading together.  Here is some feedback from the pupils involved: “It was a great opportunity to be able to take part in the project. For 7 weeks we walked down to Duncan Forbes Primary School and we were all assigned a ‘reading buddy’ who we read with each week. I really enjoyed being able to read the books alongside them, and to be able to help them with using various reading techniques, such as fluency and pronunciation. I also really enjoyed being able to create a bond between myself and the Primary 3 I was reading with”.

Parental Letter – June 2023

All Parents and Carers were emailed the letter below this morning. It covers:

  • Attendance / Late-coming
  • Our Musical – Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
  • Arrangements for the last day of term – 12:25pm finish

Young Person’s Free Bus Travel Scheme

Transport Scotland are conducting an evaluation of the Young Person’s Free Bus Travel Scheme, with a survey available for parents/carers of children aged 5-23, and young people themselves aged 12-23. Feedback is being sought from both those with experience of using the Young Person’s Free Bus Travel, and those that do not use it in order to find out why. The survey seeks to understand use of the scheme and any benefits or challenges that have been experienced since its introduction. It should take about 10 minutes to complete, and there is the opportunity to enter a free prize draw to win up to £250 in One4All vouchers.

Access the survey HERE. The closing date for all responses is 9th July 2023.

New S5/6 Timetable

The timetable for new S5/6 students returning from study leave begins on Monday 29th May. Pupils should attend from Block 1 (8:40am) and report to the Social Area where staff will issue students with their new timetables. Once students have received their timetables they can go straight to their Block 1 class. A reminder that the configuration of the school day has changed, as below.

click the image to enlarge