
Pi Day

To celebrate Pi day (March 14th – 3.14 in US date format) various classes across the Maths department took part in several activities related to Pi and Maths. Amongst the activities were Pi Chains, Pi-Kus, The History of Maths and finding our dates of birth in amongst the trillion known digits of Pi. Lots of fun and thumbs up all around!

My Future Friday

For last week’s My Future Friday session we had Mike from Lifescan. He chatted about his journey to becoming an engineer and the roles available at Lifescan, including their 4-year Maintenance Engineering apprenticeship programme. The session was attended by around 60 students, with 19 staying behind to ask questions about the programme, and other opportunities at Lifescan.

Our S1 Technology class were then invited along after the session to look at how machines manufacture products. Super enthusiastic group and lots of learning was had!

Thank you Lifescan.

PE Talk: DM Elite

This morning, we had Personal Trainor Kyle from DM Elite in speaking with our senior phase PE students. He talked to them about a typical ‘day in the life’ of a personal trainer, how to start a career in fitness, and why people are becoming more interested in health and wellbeing. Huge thank you to Kyle.

Househill Cafe Project

Pupil’s in Mrs Skinner’s N5 Graphic Communication class had a live project with Househill Cafe in Nairn to design an advert for their social media. The 3 winners of the competition were Zara Jones, Luca Inglis and Struan Brough. Househill Cafe said they chose the designs because:

“I like them because they are clean and minimalist and would suit our social media pages. They have also made our logo really obvious and have used our brand colours.”

Well done Zara, Luca and Struan!

Science: Fiction: Make: Believe

Following on from the Science and English interdisciplinary project, two pupils’ writing pieces were submitted into the Scottish-wide competition ran by the University of St Andrews. Congratulations goes out to Calum Kelly in S2, who was one of the four runners-up of the competition. His entry was an informative essay on the life and accomplishments of Alexander Fleming. Well done Calum!

My Future Friday

This morning, we had Sara and Donna from NHS Highlands’ Education, Learning and Development team. They talked about the range of pathways and opportunities within NHS Highland to over 90 students from S1-S6. With over 350 different NHS careers, the session proved invaluable.

My Future Fridays are organised by the DYW School coordinator to better inform our students about local opportunities, pathways into training and the world of work, and ignite their passion for the variety of sectors we have across our region and beyond!

Barista Skills

This morning our Home Economics Skills For Work Hospitality students enjoyed a lesson on barista skills organised by our DYW school coordinator. Thank you to Ryan from Heilan Brew Coffee Co. for coming along to share his experiences, what it takes to be a barista with skills that can take you around the world, as well as give our students a fantastic lesson in making perfect hot drinks!

Valentine’s Day Book Events

This year our S1 Book Group volunteered to run the Valentine’s Book Speed Dating event! The pupils and staff who attended sampled the books and wrote down their thoughts and ratings.  We also had wrapped up books for book blind date that pupils could take, then make a decision whether to take the book and unwrap it or leave it.  They had to choose the book by just 3 facts written on the front! The book love was in the air for sure this Valentines Day! We can’t wait for next year!

AH Art & Design Visit

Yesterday we had artist Alice, who owns ‘Isle of Riso’ in speaking to our AH Art students. She discussed her career in visual arts and eco-friendly risograph printing business. She shared examples of her work with our students and discussed collaborations taking place out of Wasps artistic studio in Inverness.

Maths in Hospitality

Last Tuesday, our DYW school coordinator hosted a session designed to support S2 students to gain experience of mathematics in hospitality.

Grant from Cru Hospitality designed and delivered the session including cocktails, batching and rations, recipe creation and profitability, maximising sales (geometry) and rota planning.

The activity was a success, resulting in tasty mocktails and a better understanding of mathematics in context.