Yesterday afternoon Highland Council advised secondary schools that this year schools can “consider offering study leave to senior phase pupils around the time of the prelim/mock exams”. This helps address the anxiety young people have about how transmittable Omicron is and the associated risk of testing positive during our Prelim diet. It also helps address concerns Head Teachers have about likely staff absence and possible school closures. Based on this, between the 10th and 28th January I am happy to support this opportunity for pupils with Prelim exams who believe it would support their learning and achievement. In reaching your own decision with your child please consider all the following factors:
- Practical subjects like Music, Art, Drama, Admin and IT, HFT, all Technical subjects, Electronics and Photography really need time with you and the materials of the course and so would very much like you to attend class as often as possible during this three week period.
- N4 courses do not have a Prelim and will therefore run as usual.
- ‘Non-practical’ subjects will have online or revision materials available to support your revision and learning.
- If studying at home you can still email your teacher for support or advice. This is not the same as the remote learning but staff are keen to support your Prelim preparations.
- If you are in school you are either in an exam or following your timetable.
- If very few pupils attend a non-practical class on any given day, the teacher may be taken to cover for another absent teacher.
- This is not an “all or nothing” offer- you can attend school some days, attend for exams some days and work from home other days.
In order to support this opportunity, online registration will be available to S4-6 pupils. If you wish to study from home then please complete the online registration through your Year Group Google Classroom by 9.00 each day. Pupils will receive or have recently received an invitation to this classroom through their school email account.