The following letter was sent to all Parents and Carers today. It outlines our expectations in relation to uniform, as below as well as arrangements for purchasing uniform directly from the school during the summer holidays. The letter also outlines the financial assistance available to families who are eilgible.
Our position on uniform remains the same- all pupils are expected to wear something that identifies them as a pupil of Culloden Academy and nothing else with a logo. The reasons for this are:
- It improves school security by making it easier to identify intruders. This has been a problem in Inverness schools recently and since keeping you safe is part of my job, I need your help with it.
- I think we still have work to do to get back to the level of community feeling we had prior to lockdown and masks. All wearing similar clothes is part of that sense of being a community and allows a simple focus on what matters- learning.
- Dressing for the task at hand- learning- encourages better conduct and improves the atmosphere for learning.
- Could help to reduce truancy by identifying pupils when not in school.
- It heightens the reputation of the school in the community- some of whom are future employers of our young people.