From S1 to S6, pupils will engage with a range of organisations and are offered opportunities which will raise awareness and improve their understanding of the world of work to prepare them for the future. In particular, we have two services working within the school that your child will gain support with throughout their time in Culloden:
Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national career service, and we have careers advisers in every state secondary school in Scotland. The SDS career service helps people develop their career management skills and make confident decisions for their future.
The Careers Advisers for Culloden Academy are:
- Morag Eisnet: who is in school all week supporting Brodie, Cawdor, Dalcross & Rait pupils (
- Stuart Bauld: who is in school on a Thursday and Friday supporting Strathnairn and Kilvarock pupils (

Pupils can speak to their SDS careers adviser throughout the school year and will also be supported by them at key times such as starting S1, making option choices, and preparing for moving on from school. This service will be delivered through drop-ins, one-to-one appointments, and group learning sessions. There is lots of useful career information and advice available at any time through Scotland’s career website My World of Work. There is also a dedicated area for parents and carers with information to help you have career conversations at home. If you or your young person would like to make an appointment with your school careers adviser, please contact your pupil’s Guidance Teacher for details.
Beyond school, SDS advisers are also available at one of SDS’s community venues or via our helpline. To get support or arrange an appointment call the SDS freephone helpline on 0800 917 8000 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm). More information about SDS and their career service in schools is available at
Developing the Young Workforce

“I am the DYW school coordinator for Culloden Academy and have been in the role for almost a year now. I love being a DYW School Coordinator as I get to support the transition of young people from education to the labour market. I do this through putting our students in direct contact with employers, such as through careers fairs, Future Friday talks, classroom and/or site-based activities with employers, along with employability programmes designed to upskill our students. I also support the teachers in making the curriculum relevant to industry, for example, linking mathematics with hospitality. I am really looking forward to kicking off some exciting new projects, which will involve a lot of creativity and teamwork for the 24/25 academic year!”
Soraya MacDonald