
School Bus Timetables

There are some minor changes to the bus arrangements for pupils getting the school bus to/from Culloden Academy. From Tuesday 17th August the Nairnside/Clava service will be operated by D&E. All other services continue to be operated by Stagecoach. The timetables for both services are available at the links below.

End of Session Letter from Dr Vance

Dr Vance has written to all Pupils and Parents/Carers concluding the challenging session now at a close and with important information about the new session ahead of us in 2021-22. His letter contains important information about:

  • SQA Certification
  • Covid 19 Lateral Flow Testing
  • Toilet Refurbishments
  • Dress Code expectations for August
  • Staffing Changes

SQA Provisional Grades

Please see the letter below from Highland Council about SQA Provisional Grades. At Culloden Academy these Provisional Grades will be shared with pupils in (former) S4, S5 and S6 on Monday 21st June. Pupils have been made aware of arrangements for this.

Letter from Dr Vance

Please see the letter below from Dr Vance for all students in S4, S5 and S6. The letter contains information about receiving your assessment results and the appeals process.

Water Safety

The Fire Service recently shared this presentation for secondary age pupils about water safety. During this warm weather and with wild swimming becoming much more of a mainstream activity, it is important everyone is aware of the risks and how to remain safe.

In-Service Days – Assessments

On the In-Service Days on 7th & 8th June, some senior pupils will be completing assessments in school. Only those pupils with assessments scheduled need to come in to school on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th June. Buses will run as normal for those pupils who require transport but the canteen will not be open. The letter below explains the assessment arrangements for these two days in detail.

In-Service Days

As you know, Thursday 6th May is an In-Service Day and the school is closed to all pupils. In addition the Scottish Government has allocated two additional In-Service Days, which in Highland will be:

  • Monday 7th June (All Schools)
  • Tuesday 8th June (Secondary Schools ONLY)

The letter below clarifies the rationale and arrangements for these additional In-Service Days.