
Parental Letter

At the end of a long term, the latest letter for all parents and carers can be downloaded below. This has also been emailed to all parents/carers this morning. This letter covers:

  • updated covid-19 guidance
  • key dates for next term

The Easter Holidays run until Monday 18th April. All pupils and staff return on Tuesday 19th April. Happy Easter and Best Wishes to all in our school community.

Rights Respecting School Award

The Rights Respecting Schools Award puts children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK. The Award recognises a schools’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond. Click the image to see the full poster outlining our progress so far.

Partial Closure 23rd-25th March

With high levels of staff absence and very limited availability of supply cover, we only just managed to keep the school open last week for all year groups. This week the situation has deteriorated slightly and so we need to take steps to protect learning and teaching as best we can. What has been decided is that if we ask one year group to remain at home each day, the teachers who would usually be teaching them can cover other classes for absent colleagues. Therefore please be aware of the following:

  • Wednesday 23rd March- S3 pupils should remain at home
  • Thursday 24th March- S2 pupils should remain at home
  • Friday 25th March- S1 pupils should remain at home.

It is too early to speculate about next week but I will issue a further update on Friday via a parental email and website post.

Dr J Vance

March Parental Letter

The latest letter for Parents and Carers can be downloaded below. This has also been emailed to all parents and carers this morning. It covers:

  • Study Leave
  • Easter Study Support
  • Assemblies
  • Mobile Phone Policy

Easter Study Support 2022

Registration for e-sgoil Easter Study Support 2022 is now open. More information can be found on the e-sgoil website.

Learners should log in to their Glow account and click on the link to fill in the form. Places on some webinars are limited, so learners are encouraged to sign up as soon as they can. Learners should see Mr MacKay or Mrs Urquhart if they have any queries about this.

House Points Challenge

Got a spare 10 minutes before tutor or during break and lunch?

Want to earn some extra house points?

Your house needs you!

Join our ‘House Points’ google classroom to find fun subject related challenges.

Look out for more departments joining through the term. Click the image above.

S5/S6 Online Parents’ Evening

The S5 and S6 Online Parents’ Evening is on Wednesday 2nd March.  The system opens for bookings tomorrow (Friday 25th February) at 6pm, and closes for bookings on Tuesday 1st March at 6pm.

The letter explains the process for accessing the online system. Please contact the school office if you have any queries about this.

Parent / Carer Letter

The letter below was emailed to all parents and carers yesterday and the important points from it are being discussed with pupils in school this morning too. It covers:

  • Changes to rules about mask wearing in secondary schools from 28th February.
  • Re-Introduction of Assemblies for all year groups
  • Mikeysline Parental Sessions
  • Key Dates for remainder of this term
  • Reconfiguration of our Guidance Houses from 4 to 6

Overview of Scottish Apprenticeships

Thursday 10 March 2022

Parents and carers can learn more about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships on a free webinar later this month. Careers Advisers from Skills Development Scotland will talk about the different apprenticeships that are available and how work-based learning can open the door to a wide range of careers. They will also be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about your young persons career development. Parents and carers can register for the session below.