
Important – Industrial Action

Highland Council have made the decision that all schools will close to pupils on Thursday 24th November, when industrial action by the EIS and AHDS unions takes place. The attached letter was emailed to all parents and carers last week – this is now confirmed.

Mock COP 27

S6 pupils attended the Highland Council City Chambers on the 15th November 2022 to take part in a ‘Mock COP27’.  Culloden Academy were representing the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and the young people did a tremendous job negotiating the resolutions for the UNHCR.  The students heard from a Youth representative live from COP 27 in Egypt before playing an active role in the climate debate.

Raising Mental Health Awareness – Mikeysline Team

Our Mikeysline Team has been working hard to bring awareness to Mental Health within the school. A reason many children in school struggle with mental illness is being bullied around the school. We want to bring awareness to bullying within the school and around the community. We want everyone to know that they can get support through their guidance teachers and if you are not comfortable speaking with your guidance teacher. Mikeysline provides many different services which you can access to get support.

S3 SNSA Tests

All S3 pupils will soon complete their Scottish National Standardised Assessments. These assessments are taken by all S3 pupils in Scotland and cover Numeracy, Literacy and Writing. At Culloden Academy, pupils will sit their assessments in their English and Maths lessons at the following times:

  • Wednesday 9th November: Practice Assessment (during Maths lesson)
  • Thursday 10th November: Numeracy Assessment (during Maths lesson)
  • Monday 14th November: Reading & Writing Assessments (during English lesson)

Parents / Carers have been emailed the letter below which explains more about these assessments. More information can also be found on the link below.

S1 Parents Evening

S1 Parents’ Evening is on Wednesday 9th November. This will be a face-to-face event here at Culloden Academy, with appointments available between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. Appointments are to be made via an online booking system. The system will open for bookings on Monday 31st October at 6.30pm and close for bookings on Monday 7th November at 6.30pm.The video above has information about how to book and about the evening itself.

State Funeral

Monday 19th September 2022

Culloden Academy will be closed on Monday 19th September to observe the national bank holiday for the State Funeral of HM The Queen. The school will be open Wednesday – Friday this week as normal.

The letter below has been emailed to all parents/carers. The Highland Council press release also has more details.

School Car Park

The letter below is an important reminder about safety within the school car-park. A copy is being emailed to all parents and road safety issues have also been addressed at pupil assemblies.

HM Queen Elizabeth II has died

It has been announced by Buckingham Palace that Her Majesty The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral yesterday afternoon. The Convener of The Highland Council, Councillor Bill Lobban expressed his deepest sympathies to The Royal Family, he said:

“On behalf of The Highland Council and communities of the Highlands, we join the nation in mourning for Her Majesty The Queen. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to all members of The Royal Family and Household and honour Her Majesty The Queen’s long service and duty to the country.”

The Highland Council will observe a 1 minute silence as a mark of respect for Her Majesty The Queen at 11am today, Friday 9 September 2022