Highland Council have released the following statement that everyone in our community should be aware of:
Children who are sick should not attend school and where a child has symptoms that could be from COVID they should stay at home and have a PCR test booked. Once well and with a negative PCR test, they can return to school.
If a case of COVID arises in a member of staff or student at a school, letters will be issued to those who have been in contact with the case which will explain what action needs to be taken. There will be no need for school contacts to self-isolate unless they are contacted by Test and Protect. In the event of further cases in the school, additional action will be taken and in the event of a significant outbreak advice will be sought from the Health Protection Team and actions undertaken depending on the specific circumstances.
Further information is contained in the letter to all parents from Donna Manson, Chief Executive of Highland Council and on the NHS Inform website: