Please follow this link for a short presentation from Dr Vance about how we keep the school and all the people in it safe and healthy. As well as the presentation here are some answers to questions you may have:
What if I feel unwell while at home?
Where children/staff have a high temperature, new continuous cough or loss or change to their sense of smell or taste, they should remain at home and notify the school. Thereafter they need to follow NHS advice about remaining at home.
What if I start to feel unwell in school?
Notify your teacher immediately. We will arrange for you to move to an appropriate area in the school which has been identified to ensure you can be isolated but appropriately supervised until arrival of emergency contact. Emergency contacts will be informed immediately and a detailed clean will be carried out.
What systems and resources will the school have in place to support hand-washing?
There will be spray, wipes and hand-sanitiser in every classroom. Toilets will be well supplied with appropriate soap for hand-washing and rooms with easy access to sinks. Pupils are simply asked to use these resources respectfully.
What cleaning will take place each day?
All surfaces, handles and bars that pupils come in contact with will be cleaned after every day in school with suitable detergent.
How will the toilets work with these new restrictions?
Every second cubicle will have been taped off . Pupils’ access to toilets will require to be carefully managed to maintain physical distancing within the toilet areas and we expect pupils to respect all signage about maximum numbers. To avoid overcrowding, in the first few days we will trial a system whereby there will be no access at change of lesson. This will be reviewed after a week. Soap will be available and there is a strong emphasis on hand washing after visiting the toilet. In terms of the cleaning of the toilets, this is likely to be ongoing throughout the day but not after every visit.