We are a group of interested parents or carers who have children at Culloden Academy and formed in May 2012. All parents at Culloden Academy are automatically members of the Parent Forum. The Parent Council is there to voice the views of the wider parents, to pass on information that is relevant to parents and to support the school.
What do we do?
Communication – we are here to help:
- gather the views of parents on matters that impact your child’s education and feed them back to the school;
- provide a parental point of view into developing new policies and opportunities within the school;
- give regular feedback to help the school in self-evaluation and improvement (what is and is not working);
- link with the Primary School Parent Councils that make up our Associated School Group (ASG);
- link with Parent Councils at other Highland Schools to share best practise and to be a strong voice that feeds back to both Highland Council and the Scottish Government on educational policy and decision making.
Supporting the school by:
- providing constructive feedback;
- inputting into the annual improvement plan;
- taking forward extra-curricular initiatives such as careers events;
- utilising parent skills, expertise and employment experience to help school staff and pupils;
- helping the school build stronger links with the community.
Fund Raising
- In these harsh economic times, the Parent Council can help raise school funds for extra-curricular activities.
- Initiatives we are working on are having a dedicated School Angel shopping portal, a Burns Supper, a School Highland Games and applying for ward discretionary funds. We would welcome new ideas and initiatives.
The Parent Council is not able to deal with individual pupil issues. If there are specific issues relating to your child then this should firstly be taken up with Guidance staff using the normal process. If a common issue faced by parents is identified, this can be raised at the Parent Council meeting for discussion. Together we agree on the issues that the Parent Council can contribute to.
When do we meet?
Regular Parent Council meeting are held once a term, that is four times a year.
All meetings are 7-8pm in the Culloden Academy school staffroom upstairs.
Minutes of previous meeting can be accessed using the school website. For ongoing projects other meetings may be set up as needed.
How do you contact the Parent Council?
If you would like to contact the Parent Council, have any questions or would like to become involved please go via Culloden Academy Parent Council Facebook page or email the parent council at parentcouncil@culloden.teclan.org.